Winter Special: Tegernseer Organic Yogurt Cherry-Apple-Cinnamon

We enrichen our premium organic hay milk yogurt with various fruit variants: they boast with 20% organic fruit, Omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins – and a great taste.
Package Sizes
150 g cup

Nutrition Facts

Average per 100 g


3,2 g davon 1,9 g gesättigte Fettsäuren


5,7 g davon 10,3 g Zucker


3,4 g


0,08 g

Product description

During the cold season our aromatic, sweet and savory cherry-apple-cinnamon yogurt warms and spices you up.

Tegernseer Organic Yogurt Elderflower

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Naturkäserei TegernseerLand e.G.Reißenbichlweg 1G - 83708 Kreuth am TegernseeTel: +49 8022 188 3520Fax: +49 8022 188 35280
Winter opening times from 01.11.2023 to 31.03.2024 : 10 am to 5 pm
Summer opening times from 01.04.2024 to 31.10.2024: 10 am to 6 pm

On Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve from 9 am to 12 am

Gaststub'n & sun terrace 
Wed - Sun 08 am - 6 pm
Monday & Tuesday closed
Closed: New Year, Jan 6, Good Friday, All Saints' Day, Christmas Eve

Sales & Administration
Mon - Thu 8 am - 4 pm
Fri 8 am - 2 pm

Closed on New Years, Twelfth Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, May 1st/ May Day,  All Saints' Day, Christmas Day.