Honest, handcrafted and delicious.
Cheese - with pure dedication
From the ground up, everything we do revolves around artisan dairy products – and it all comes together in our delicious cheeses: our soil kept healthy and fertile by honest farming, our rich, lush pastures that feed our cattle, our pure, day-fresh hay milk. You can also taste the love and dedication of our farmers who sincerely believe in what they do. And the craft and care of our cheesemaking experts. As well as our refined recipes, our fantastic team – and, of course, the delicious taste.
Pure & special, fresh & flavorful. Enjoy!
Pure & special, fresh & flavorful. Enjoy!
supply our dairy masters daily with fresh hay milk.
Types of Cheese
In total we offer 19 types of cheese. Some of them are only seasonal.
Purity Law
which we follow and which guarantees our premium quality.
Interesting Hay Milk Cheese Facts
Do You know, ...
…why cheese is yellow?
Green grass, white milk and yellow cheese: green grass contains the fat-soluble yellow pigment and antioxidant beta carotene. Cows that eat fresh grass store it in their fat and it ends up in the milk. Yet, the milk still appears white, because the pigment’s color is concealed by thin membranes that surround the fat globules. It dissolves during the cheesemaking process and the yellow pigments are released. The higher the level of beta carotene in the grass the more yellow the cheese.
.......what makes cheese so exciting for athletes?
Because the consumption of carbohydrates plus protein immediately after an endurance training session protects the muscles from possible consequential damage and promotes regeneration.
... how cheese helps to burn fat?
The insulin level does not rise as high in our meals when we eat a piece of cheese as a starter. This keeps us full longer and helps burn fat.
…..why cheese is important for a balanced diet?
Mit jedem Stück gibt`s eine Extraportion Mineralstoffe wie Kalzium, Magnesium, Phosphor, Zink, Jod sowie die fettlöslichen Vitamine A, D, E und K. Kalzium und Phosphor sind zum Beispiel ein Topteam gegen Osteoporose und Zahnausfall.
..... what makes our hay milk yoghurt so special?
Special milk, real fruits, no additives, less sugar - lots of taste !!!!
Yogurt is said to have a positive effect on the digestive system. Whether a yogurt can positively influence the metabolic processes in the intestine depends on the bacterial strains it contains. Lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum are already present in the intestine. They help keep pathogenic germs at bay.
Yogurt is said to have a positive effect on the digestive system. Whether a yogurt can positively influence the metabolic processes in the intestine depends on the bacterial strains it contains. Lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum are already present in the intestine. They help keep pathogenic germs at bay.