Dolce Vita in our Dairy

Turquoise water reflecting the mountains, white clouds floating across the blue sky, perfect temperatures and a soft breeze. Summertime in the Tegernsee valley is scenic, magical, bustling and relaxing. And nothing beats the treat of a delicious gelato!

From April to October we offer the full-flavored ice-cream on our sunny terrace –made by our Italian artisan.

Chef Francesco Pugliese originally stems from Calabria at the southern end of Italy’s boot. Now you might think that he has an old family ice-cream recipe at hand. But he has actually learned the gelato trait at the Tegernsee – he used to work in an ice-cream parlor before joining our dairy team.

For three years now we have been serving genuine Italian gelato made of the finest Tegernsee hay milk and it is definitely one of our summer highlights. “We sell five liters per day, about 80 to 90 scoops,” says Francesco with a proud smile.
Of course, this means a lot of work as the gelato is freshly made each day. Francesco uses cream, sugar and the best ingredients: local organic eggs and fresh fruit yogurt made from our hay milk. The flavor changes daily, too – Francesco likes his little surprises. Currently he prefers elderflower, lemon and coffee. It takes an hour in the ice-cream maker to get the creamy delight ready to be served on our beautiful dolce vita terrace.
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Naturkäserei TegernseerLand e.G.Reißenbichlweg 1G - 83708 Kreuth am TegernseeTel: +49 8022 188 3520Fax: +49 8022 188 35280
Winter opening times from 01.11.2023 to 31.03.2024 : 10 am to 5 pm
Summer opening times from 01.04.2024 to 31.10.2024: 10 am to 6 pm

On Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve from 9 am to 12 am

Gaststub'n & sun terrace 
Wed - Sun 08 am - 6 pm
Monday & Tuesday closed
Closed: New Year, Jan 6, Good Friday, All Saints' Day, Christmas Eve

Sales & Administration
Mon - Thu 8 am - 4 pm
Fri 8 am - 2 pm

Closed on New Years, Twelfth Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, May 1st/ May Day,  All Saints' Day, Christmas Day.