Milk Rice

A lovely dessert – whether pure, refined with cinnamon sugar or served with fruits or red berry compote.

60 Minuten
4 Persons


1 l milk
250 g round-grain rice
2 tablespoons sugar
1 vanilla bean


Step 1
Cut vanilla bean in half lengthwise. Bring to boil milk, a dash of salt and the vanilla bean in a wide pot and stir in rice and sugar.
Step 2
Boil the milk rice once briefly and stir. Then reduce heat and cook it for 20–30 minutes on low to moderate temperature.
Keep on stirring to prevent the rice from catching on the bottom. In case it does happen, stop stirring and refill the rice to a different pot.
Step 3
Turn off heat, put the lid on and leave the rice soaking for ca. 15 more minutes. If the rice is still too hard, simply add table spoons of cold milk.
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